Prof. Graziano's Book on the Geopolitics of the Catholic Church Published in Spain

Friday, 06 April 2012

manlio-graziano-100x120.jpgA Spanish translation of Professor Graziano's book on the geopolitics of the Catholic Church, was recently published in Spain: El Siglo Catòlico: La Estrategia Geopolìtica della Iglesia (Barcelona: RBA 2012).

graziano_book_elsiglocatolico.jpgOriginally published in Italian under the title: Il Secolo Cattolico. La strategia geopolitica della Chiesa (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 2010), this book shows through in-depth analysis and with great simplicity, how the Catholic Church has sought to become a major player in international relations in the 21st Century. Prof. Graziano examines the strategy it has pursued since the Second Vatican Concile to place religion at the center of public life, through a discourse emphasizing issues such as nuclear family, contraception, abortion, and homosexuality, as well as issues related to immigration.

More information about Manlio Graziano's book (in Spanish)

Professor Graziano also recently published an article on the geopolitics of democracy,"Geopolitica Della Democrazia", in the latest issue of Limes, a major Italian journal on Geopolitics: "A Che Serve La Democrazia" (Published March 29, 2012).

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Sir Christopher MacRae United Kingdom
Member of the Board of Advisors
School of International Relations

quote leftI aim to help my students prepare for life beyond "the groves of academe" - especially how to ask the right questions to work out what is really going on out there. Along the way, they practice writing lucidly and succinctly. It is stimulating teaching such a lively crew. I hope they also find it fun being challenged to analyse the facts without prejudice and to think originally.quote right

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